After 10 Days In Iceland, My Life Won’t Be The Same Again

After 10 Days In Iceland, My Life Won’t Be The Same Again

Iceland is a country that has long been on my bucket, a place that I’ve seen thousands of images of but needed to witness with my own eyes. After day 1 all my expectations were met. After a full 10 days I knew life wouldn’t be the same again.
Being exposed to such vast, rugged beauty moves you in a way that is hard to describe in words or image. Standing under the Northern Lights as they dance across the sky, absorbing the fresh spray beneath a towering waterfall with no one else in sight, or simply walking along a black sand beach as the ocean roars and crashes to the earth; being out in nature uplifts the soul and puts things into perspective. Iceland solidified my love, and appreciation for creation and reminded me of what matters most in this life. Being here during the Paris terrorist attacks was definitely bittersweet, I began to miss home and my loved ones, a chilling reminder of the world we live in.
As the trip continued I was exposed to so much diversity, new and old land masses, complex intricacies and infinite amounts of textures. Earth always finds a way and we too can learn from it. We are united in our suffering but set apart by how we cope. After this experience, I can’t look at life the same way again. Life’s too short. Our modern society has complicated the way we live and for a few brief moments Iceland took me back to a simpler time, as though I was looking at the world through the eyes of a child again. There’s still beauty on this earth, still hope in this ageing world. Here’s some of what I saw and experienced in this phenomenal land.

Icelandic window views

Artists Fill Paris With 600 Fake Ads To Protest Corporate Sponsorship Of Climate Conference

Paris is bombed again, however, this time with environmental messages aimed at the world leaders who gathered there for the COP21 climate conference on Monday. 600 fake posters denouncing major corporations were installed behind the glass at bus stops around the city by Brandalism, a UK-based project that fights corporate control in advertising.
"By sponsoring the climate talks, major polluters such as Air France and GDF-Suez-Engie can promote themselves as part of the solution - when actually they are part of the problem," Joe Elan from Brandalism said in their press release.
"Because the advertising industry force feeds our desires for products created from fossil fuels, they are intimately connected to causing climate change," Elan said. "We are taking their spaces back because we want to challenge the role advertising plays in promoting unsustainable consumerism."



22 trains journey IN INDIA That are an experience in themselves.

Joining the length and breadth of India and touching her heart like no one else does, the Indian Railways has entranced dreamers, intrigued authors and inspired filmmakers from Danny Boyle to Paul Theroux for a very long time. Sneak into the undiscovered cultures of India's nooks and crannies, gaze into unexplored landscapes and soak in the invigorating air on scenic train journeys with this list of spectacular routes that will certainly change your perspective about travelling in the country!1. The Snow Sojourn (Qazigund-Srinagar-Baramulla)

© Yohyoh The Snow Sojourn (Qazigund-Srinagar-Baramulla). Connecting Jammu to Srinagar and Baramullah, this journey promises jaw-dropping views of snow-capped peaks standing guard over this delicate, beauteous vale and quaint, frost-covered villages as your train weaves through pine forests. Travel through the Banihal Tunnel which, at 11.2 km, is India’s longest railway tunnel and truly a great engineering feat. Let Kashmir overwhelm you with its wild beauty!
Train: Baramullah Banihal DEMU Train
Route: Qazigund to Baramullah
The Snow Sojourn (Qazigund-Srinagar-Baramulla).


Your bedroom performance based on your zodiac


No sign can match them in love making. Their hardworking traits carry into the bedroom & they will put you to sleep.