After 10 Days In Iceland, My Life Won’t Be The Same Again

After 10 Days In Iceland, My Life Won’t Be The Same Again

Iceland is a country that has long been on my bucket, a place that I’ve seen thousands of images of but needed to witness with my own eyes. After day 1 all my expectations were met. After a full 10 days I knew life wouldn’t be the same again.
Being exposed to such vast, rugged beauty moves you in a way that is hard to describe in words or image. Standing under the Northern Lights as they dance across the sky, absorbing the fresh spray beneath a towering waterfall with no one else in sight, or simply walking along a black sand beach as the ocean roars and crashes to the earth; being out in nature uplifts the soul and puts things into perspective. Iceland solidified my love, and appreciation for creation and reminded me of what matters most in this life. Being here during the Paris terrorist attacks was definitely bittersweet, I began to miss home and my loved ones, a chilling reminder of the world we live in.
As the trip continued I was exposed to so much diversity, new and old land masses, complex intricacies and infinite amounts of textures. Earth always finds a way and we too can learn from it. We are united in our suffering but set apart by how we cope. After this experience, I can’t look at life the same way again. Life’s too short. Our modern society has complicated the way we live and for a few brief moments Iceland took me back to a simpler time, as though I was looking at the world through the eyes of a child again. There’s still beauty on this earth, still hope in this ageing world. Here’s some of what I saw and experienced in this phenomenal land.

Icelandic window views

Artists Fill Paris With 600 Fake Ads To Protest Corporate Sponsorship Of Climate Conference

Paris is bombed again, however, this time with environmental messages aimed at the world leaders who gathered there for the COP21 climate conference on Monday. 600 fake posters denouncing major corporations were installed behind the glass at bus stops around the city by Brandalism, a UK-based project that fights corporate control in advertising.
"By sponsoring the climate talks, major polluters such as Air France and GDF-Suez-Engie can promote themselves as part of the solution - when actually they are part of the problem," Joe Elan from Brandalism said in their press release.
"Because the advertising industry force feeds our desires for products created from fossil fuels, they are intimately connected to causing climate change," Elan said. "We are taking their spaces back because we want to challenge the role advertising plays in promoting unsustainable consumerism."



22 trains journey IN INDIA That are an experience in themselves.

Joining the length and breadth of India and touching her heart like no one else does, the Indian Railways has entranced dreamers, intrigued authors and inspired filmmakers from Danny Boyle to Paul Theroux for a very long time. Sneak into the undiscovered cultures of India's nooks and crannies, gaze into unexplored landscapes and soak in the invigorating air on scenic train journeys with this list of spectacular routes that will certainly change your perspective about travelling in the country!1. The Snow Sojourn (Qazigund-Srinagar-Baramulla)

© Yohyoh The Snow Sojourn (Qazigund-Srinagar-Baramulla). Connecting Jammu to Srinagar and Baramullah, this journey promises jaw-dropping views of snow-capped peaks standing guard over this delicate, beauteous vale and quaint, frost-covered villages as your train weaves through pine forests. Travel through the Banihal Tunnel which, at 11.2 km, is India’s longest railway tunnel and truly a great engineering feat. Let Kashmir overwhelm you with its wild beauty!
Train: Baramullah Banihal DEMU Train
Route: Qazigund to Baramullah
The Snow Sojourn (Qazigund-Srinagar-Baramulla).


Your bedroom performance based on your zodiac


No sign can match them in love making. Their hardworking traits carry into the bedroom & they will put you to sleep.



We're willing to bet that you had at least one of these pinned up in your childhood bedroom

Kate Moss for Calvin Klein Obsession in '97.
Kate Moss for Calvin Klein Obsession in '97.
From June 25 to July 4, we'll be examining — and at times, celebrating — all things American made, from the state of U.S. apparel manufacturing to American-born models on the rise. You can follow all of our coverage here.
If you're a regular reader of this site, you already know we keep a close watch on fashion brands' ad campaigns. The images are often pretty and feature some of our favorite models and celebrities, but it's not lost on us that the true point of them is to sell clothing. That said, some advertisements are so memorable and powerful that they're referenced to this day, leaving a lasting impression on an industry that's known for how frequently its trends change. 
Since we're focusing this week on all of the great things that are made in the USA, we decided to take a look back at some of these classic campaigns from all-American brands. From the Brooke Shields denim campaign that had tongues


We'd vote for her
Stewart, left, and First Lady Julianne Moore. Photo: Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images
Stewart, left, and First Lady Julianne Moore. Photo: Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images
Now that the 2016 election has devolved to the point that Donald Trump is making a run for president, we'd like to add another, slightly more plausible name to the ballot: Kristen Stewart. Her credentials include being a high-achieving actress (not without a scandal or two) and also turning the velvet pantsuit she wore to Chanel's haute couture show into a rock n' roll work of art.
This matching, buttoned-up outfit is the type of thing you might expect your grandmother, or Jane Fonda, to wear. While on a rack it may look too conservative for your average 25-year-old, Stewart makes it her own with the styling: a fantastic smokey eye and her signature asymmetrical bed head. That's the type of capability you can put your trust in.
Vote Stewart 2016.
Photo: Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images
Photo: Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

There was nothing juvenile about her look at the festive London premiere of "Magic Mike XXL."

Amber Heard in Emilio Pucci at the "Magic Mike XXL" London premiere. Photo: Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images
Not many grown women are able to pull off head-to-ruffles without looking childlike or at least unserious. But every now and then a genetically blessed specimen comes and reverses their connotation completely. 
On Tuesday, that was actress and newly-minted Mrs. Johnny Depp, Amber Heard, who arrived at the London premiere of "Magic Mike XXL" swaddled in a ruffled Emilio Pucci concoction. Like an expensive wedding cake, the scarlet gown — from fall 2015 — featured both a delicate trim and a number of softly cascading layers. It was one of Heard's more femme ensembles, especially considering the frock's lengthy velvet bow draped from the back of the neckline.
Lest the look appear too delicate, however, Heard's messier beauty look edged things up thanks to a tousled fishtail updo, with each and every flyaway tendril strategically placed in disarray. A dramatic smoky eye (or overgrown cat-eye, perhaps?) certainly helped matters, too.
In sum: ruffles are, occasionally, wearable, but only if a) they're crafted by Emilio Pucci, and/or b) you're Amber Heard. Any questions?
A definite "I hate to see her go, but I love to watch her leave" situation. Photo: Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images

Afraid the paparazzi wouldn't see you, Kate?

The dress is 100 percent polyester, so no need to worry about wrinkles. Photo: Karwai Tang/Getty Images
The dress is 100 percent polyester, so no need to worry about wrinkles. Photo: Karwai Tang/Getty Images
You can always count on spotting the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge among the spectators at Wimbledon each year — with Kate Middleton usually choosing some variant of a white summery dress to wear to the high-profile sporting event. But at a match between Andy Murray and Vaskek Pospisil on Wednesday, she opted instead for a cardinal red dress which, while simple in design, majorly stood out in the VIP section. Maybe she was inspired by Prince George's fetching red shorts from baby Charlotte's christening?
The $425 dress is from one of Middleton's favorite British brands, L.K. Bennett, and thanks to her well documented visit to the Centre Court today, it's already sold out online. 
"Wait, is that Pippa over there with a better seat than mine?" Photo: Karwai Tang/Getty Images
"Wait, is that Pippa over there with a better seat than mine?" Photo: Karwai Tang/Getty Images
She accessorized the dress with one of her mind-bogglingly perfect blowouts and a rather dowdy pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses. Oh, and some demonstrative facial expressions! Hilarious!
Dear Bear Grylls, we can see you ogling Kate Middleton. Sincerely, everyone. Photo: Ian Walton/Getty Images
Dear Bear Grylls, we can see you ogling Kate Middleton. Sincerely, everyone. Photo: Ian Walton/Getty Images
Prince William got involved with the wacky facial expressions, too. Middleton doesn't seem very impressed, so maybe she hasn't forgiven him for letting George have a public tantrum this past weekend. I know I haven't

Top 10 Drugs and their Effects

Drug abuse is a very common problem in most countries so it seemed like a good topic for a list. This is a list of ten of the most abused drugs and the effects they have on people.

10 Heroin

Heroin is an opiate processed directly from the extracts of the

I Created A Magical Elven Ring That Turned My Girlfriend Into My Fiance

Hey, pandas! My name is Dovas, and I’m the editor at Bored Panda. I’d like to tell you the story of how I made an engagement ring to propose to Elena, the love of my life!
I wanted to do something truly special – and something that would provide us with a story to tell to our children and grandchildren. Because I like to sculpt wood and clay, I decided to, in one way or another, create a ring of my own design. Eventually, I found a jeweler who agreed to take anything I’d make out of wax and cast it in gold! Read on to see the ring and how I made it (and how I kept it a secret from her).
More info: Facebook

Here’s the piece of wax that I started with:

My Dad Makes Beautiful Jewelry From Scrap Metal

My name is Carolina Breeze and I’m a 23-year-old filmmaking student from a little country somewhere in the world. About a year ago, my father (45) came to me and showed me a piece of jewelry he made out of scrap metal. The jewelry junkie inside me felt like my world had just turned upside down.
I was full of surprise, admiration and love for my father who just lost his job but still remained a creative person that never stopped using his hands to bring some beauty and magic to the world. It was a big pendant made out of copper wire from an old radio combined with some ugly beads he took from an old piece of my jewelry. My father had never made jewelry before, and there it was, simple yet perfect and annoyingly beautiful.
From that day on we’ve been designing different types of pendants, earrings and bracelets, all inspired by mythology, ancient cultures, Indian tribes, Celtic symbols, etc. My father is a real modern polyma

Frozen Cars Leave Icy Bumper Shells Behind After Ice Storm

After the recent ice storm that swept through North Carolina, spooky things have been happening throughout the state… One person captured photos of a ghostly car fender apparition that is actually a shell of ice that formed on the front of a parked Jeep.
The most plausible theory regarding how the shell was formed suggests that the driver separated the sheet of ice from their fender when they warmed up their engine. The shell remained intact after the driver pulled out because it was supported by icicles frozen to the ground. This happened to other cars, too!

New Beehive Lets You Harvest Honey Automatically Without Disturbing Bees



checking 123 123 working fine

report complete.

20 Interesting Facts About Love

Love is pure, love is painful, love is sweet and love is dreadful. True love is overwhelming. Our lives depend on it and it often seems like our planet would stop spinning if love didn’t exist. Love is something we strive for and something we mourn the loss of.
A lovesick panda once said that “if you’re never been hurt, you’re either very lucky, or very lonely”.
We understand the poetry of the heart, but over the courses of our lives we tend to demystify this precious feeling more and more. We learn about biological processes that cause specific reactions; we learn about cultural influences on how we behave and think about love; we learn about the psychological and physiological processes that make us fall for someone.

1. Monogamous Relationships Exist Throughout The Animal Kingdom

Dance Steps

I Asked Dancers To Improvise In Front Of My Camera

My ongoing project is about exploring dance in various locations.
I am working with dancers who all have different backgrounds. They are usually placed outside of the studio environment and their comfort zone. I asked them to dance and improvise in front of the camera. Every single person is different in movement style and interprets surroundings in a unique way, depending on their mood, what they choose to wear, how the body feels that day.
All the digital images are taken with a vintage Helios lense, mounted on a DSLR camera.

Sexy Cat Dance

Amazing Ships

Land Of Ships And Wrecks

I spent my childhood mostly at the seaside. I love everything what is related to the “big water” in any way. I used to spend many hours in harbors watching big ships coming and going out to the sea, getting loaded, unloaded, restored, or being built from the very beginning. I was so much inspired that after many many years I’ve decided to do a little project about ships.


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8 Mesmerizing Timelapse GIFs Showing How Mushrooms Grow

If you are curious about the fungi kingdom or simply like finding out more about the processes of nature, these time-lapse shots are the way to go.

These 5 Women Are The Last Living People Born In 1800s

115-Year-Old Susannah Mushatt Jones From United States (Born On July 6, 1899)


La Faune Et La Flore” In Collaboration With French Artist, Moon

lance artist and teaches graphic design. Moon loves to draw women and plants more than anything.
After following each other on Instagram, Moon and I decided we had very similar styles. We decided to collaborate but with no solid idea or theme to go off of. I asked my dear friend and fellow photographer, Molly Strohl, to help model for me. I tried to take photos that would probably call for some drawing on the model. I didn’t really know what to expect back from Moon but I was beyond impressed. So here is “La Faune et la Flore.”

Two Men Are Making History By Free-Climbing 3000ft Up The Hardest Route In The World

Kevin Jorgeson and Tommy Caldwell are climbing a sheer 3,000-foot wall of granite on El Capitan in Yosemite

Gorgeous Hairstyles for Lazy Girls ...

1. The Twist Back

So, lazy hairstyles are my favorite. If you hate spending time on your #hair, don't really know a lot of looks, or simply never have the time, you might benefit from them too. It's that #time of the year when you generally do a lot of socializing and don't necessarily want to go out with wet, barely styled hair (guilty!). Just practice a few hairstyles for lazy girls, girls who are all thumbs with their hair, and girls who want to #look great but don't have a lot of time for perfection. Which tutorials are you going to try?

Pornhub star Mia Khalifa receives death threats after being ranked site's top adult actress