8 Mesmerizing Timelapse GIFs Showing How Mushrooms Grow

If you are curious about the fungi kingdom or simply like finding out more about the processes of nature, these time-lapse shots are the way to go.

These 5 Women Are The Last Living People Born In 1800s

115-Year-Old Susannah Mushatt Jones From United States (Born On July 6, 1899)


La Faune Et La Flore” In Collaboration With French Artist, Moon

lance artist and teaches graphic design. Moon loves to draw women and plants more than anything.
After following each other on Instagram, Moon and I decided we had very similar styles. We decided to collaborate but with no solid idea or theme to go off of. I asked my dear friend and fellow photographer, Molly Strohl, to help model for me. I tried to take photos that would probably call for some drawing on the model. I didn’t really know what to expect back from Moon but I was beyond impressed. So here is “La Faune et la Flore.”

Two Men Are Making History By Free-Climbing 3000ft Up The Hardest Route In The World

Kevin Jorgeson and Tommy Caldwell are climbing a sheer 3,000-foot wall of granite on El Capitan in Yosemite

Gorgeous Hairstyles for Lazy Girls ...

1. The Twist Back

So, lazy hairstyles are my favorite. If you hate spending time on your #hair, don't really know a lot of looks, or simply never have the time, you might benefit from them too. It's that #time of the year when you generally do a lot of socializing and don't necessarily want to go out with wet, barely styled hair (guilty!). Just practice a few hairstyles for lazy girls, girls who are all thumbs with their hair, and girls who want to #look great but don't have a lot of time for perfection. Which tutorials are you going to try?

Pornhub star Mia Khalifa receives death threats after being ranked site's top adult actress