I Created A Magical Elven Ring That Turned My Girlfriend Into My Fiance

Hey, pandas! My name is Dovas, and I’m the editor at Bored Panda. I’d like to tell you the story of how I made an engagement ring to propose to Elena, the love of my life!
I wanted to do something truly special – and something that would provide us with a story to tell to our children and grandchildren. Because I like to sculpt wood and clay, I decided to, in one way or another, create a ring of my own design. Eventually, I found a jeweler who agreed to take anything I’d make out of wax and cast it in gold! Read on to see the ring and how I made it (and how I kept it a secret from her).
More info: Facebook

Here’s the piece of wax that I started with:

My Dad Makes Beautiful Jewelry From Scrap Metal

My name is Carolina Breeze and I’m a 23-year-old filmmaking student from a little country somewhere in the world. About a year ago, my father (45) came to me and showed me a piece of jewelry he made out of scrap metal. The jewelry junkie inside me felt like my world had just turned upside down.
I was full of surprise, admiration and love for my father who just lost his job but still remained a creative person that never stopped using his hands to bring some beauty and magic to the world. It was a big pendant made out of copper wire from an old radio combined with some ugly beads he took from an old piece of my jewelry. My father had never made jewelry before, and there it was, simple yet perfect and annoyingly beautiful.
From that day on we’ve been designing different types of pendants, earrings and bracelets, all inspired by mythology, ancient cultures, Indian tribes, Celtic symbols, etc. My father is a real modern polyma

Frozen Cars Leave Icy Bumper Shells Behind After Ice Storm

After the recent ice storm that swept through North Carolina, spooky things have been happening throughout the state… One person captured photos of a ghostly car fender apparition that is actually a shell of ice that formed on the front of a parked Jeep.
The most plausible theory regarding how the shell was formed suggests that the driver separated the sheet of ice from their fender when they warmed up their engine. The shell remained intact after the driver pulled out because it was supported by icicles frozen to the ground. This happened to other cars, too!

New Beehive Lets You Harvest Honey Automatically Without Disturbing Bees



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20 Interesting Facts About Love

Love is pure, love is painful, love is sweet and love is dreadful. True love is overwhelming. Our lives depend on it and it often seems like our planet would stop spinning if love didn’t exist. Love is something we strive for and something we mourn the loss of.
A lovesick panda once said that “if you’re never been hurt, you’re either very lucky, or very lonely”.
We understand the poetry of the heart, but over the courses of our lives we tend to demystify this precious feeling more and more. We learn about biological processes that cause specific reactions; we learn about cultural influences on how we behave and think about love; we learn about the psychological and physiological processes that make us fall for someone.

1. Monogamous Relationships Exist Throughout The Animal Kingdom

Dance Steps

I Asked Dancers To Improvise In Front Of My Camera

My ongoing project is about exploring dance in various locations.
I am working with dancers who all have different backgrounds. They are usually placed outside of the studio environment and their comfort zone. I asked them to dance and improvise in front of the camera. Every single person is different in movement style and interprets surroundings in a unique way, depending on their mood, what they choose to wear, how the body feels that day.
All the digital images are taken with a vintage Helios lense, mounted on a DSLR camera.

Sexy Cat Dance

Amazing Ships

Land Of Ships And Wrecks

I spent my childhood mostly at the seaside. I love everything what is related to the “big water” in any way. I used to spend many hours in harbors watching big ships coming and going out to the sea, getting loaded, unloaded, restored, or being built from the very beginning. I was so much inspired that after many many years I’ve decided to do a little project about ships.


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