10 Best Features Of Marriage Known Only To Wedded Couples

10 Best Features Of Marriage Known Only To Wedded Couples
Being married is awesome! Surely it is a hard work, but with correct amount of will and efforts from both husband and wife, completed with true love and devotion, marriage can become a great road of bliss from the first moment together till your old years in a little house with rocking chairs, long talks and remembering the best moments of your life together.
Look at the 10 perks of marriage that are understood only by those who already had a wedding.

1. You share everything you have.
When two individuals form a family, they change «mine» for «ours». You create a new space for two and get a new information – every step in marriage is about that second person you love. All you have – from dishes to toothpaste is yours and his at the same time, and that’s great to feel.

2. You understand that every marriage has pluses and minuses, but you always have some laughs to make it all sound better.
According to wonderful Will Smith, best partner is the one who can make you laugh any time of a day, and with such a person you will never experience a dull moment. That’s astonishing, if you can be yourself with each other near. Every couple lives through stresses, but you have to help each other pass them. Look back and think how many kicks of life you have already left behind. You will luckily get that nothing was really scary because you kept with each other well.

10 Best Features Of Marriage Known Only To Wedded Couples

3. He is the best shopping pal and travel companion of yours.
Your man will make great fashion companion for you and he will never get tired when you two continue endless searches for needed outfits. He always thinks that you look beautiful, but will politely mention your mistakes in clothing. No matter where you go with your husband, it’s a wonderful time you’ll spend together! In marriage you really learn much about each other, including fashion likes and dislikes, and strength to do many things for each other.

4. Your children will carry a legacy you create for them now.
You are responsible for lives of the new people you bring into this world. Values and morals you put into them will built their personalities through the years, and no one can erase that mark in the future. If you still don’t have a child, start creating plans and opportunities for them together right now. How will your future descendants see family life and missions? You decide.

5. He is your most interesting object of study.
After a wedding day you have all the time in the world to make scientific studies on your spouse. It takes years to know a person well, and married couples have a lifetime to share. To get to know a person completely is impossible in two or three years of dating, only marriage gives a possibility to discover all the details. Every day is a lesson, and you can redo your homework as many times as you need.

6. Natural self of your spouse is exposed to you before anyone else sees it.
In the morning his hair is a mess and breath is not awesome, and you have a happiness to see it. That’s a real time to discover beauty of the man you love. If his working duty is to be always neat and well-dressed, you can be proud that no one else besides his wife has an access to depths. They are just looking at the surface.

7. Every day you can have a romantic date.
You have gone to the altar already, but you can continue dating, and do it even better than before! I adore to be spontaneous in planning romantic evenings with my husband. Every time we try to meet in a new place for a lunch together, and during the day we find minutes to make a mini-date. Every meeting of this kind is a chance to show love and compassion.
8. Every problem is solved by teamwork.
We all have some circumstances that we can’t control, and coping with them in a family team is much easier than doing it alone. Problems seam lighter when you share their weight. As well we can see things in perspective when they are overlooked from the spouse’s side.

9. Sex is not the only way to be intimate.
With your daily chores, working from dawn till dusk, caring for kids et cetera there is no time for sex from day to day. Well, people found other appearances of intimacy for married couples – from hugs to gentle kisses and long talks while on kitchen, being vulnerable to your beloved one – all that will show your love and care that are bigger than sex.

10. You have a soulmate.
After your “I do” speech you receive a lifetime friend and soulmate that will cheer you up and give you a hand as many times as you need it. In marriage you will be lonely no more, isn’t it great?