10 Things in Men, which turns a Woman on

How wonderful would it feel to have your dream man around!! You think of the qualities, and see that your man has the right mixture of them all. Getting turned-on or turning on the opposite sex is not essentially about romantic gestures and sexual encounters. It is also much more about how a relationship can grow mutually.
10 Things about Men, which turns on Woman
What is it that a man should ideally possess to turn on a woman? Opinions differ, choices are

Why you should not sit for long hours in office chair?

Human body is designed by nature to be mobile. We were born to move around, hunt, work at fields, rear cattles and grow crops. However gradually, with evolution, we no longer do tasks which we are built for. This applies to most of us.
Assuming we spend 30 minutes for exercises every day and sleep for 8 hours, most of us spend close to 8-10 of our working  hours sitting! Current studies reveal this is as deadly as smoking cigarettes.
Harmful effects on too much Sitting (in office chairs)
Plenty of studies now show human body metabolism slows down by about 1% with

8 Ways To Get Back Into Your Skinny Jeans

Are you missing your old pair of skinny jeans, the one that is now hanging at the back of your closet? Well. It is time to take them out and enjoy the feel of being into them once again, here’s how:
Eight Ways To Get Back Into Your Skinny Jeans
  1. Eat a clean and unprocessed diet: This would help you getting cleared of the cellulite (fat deposits just under the skin,

Daily Foods for a clean Stomach

Sedentary lifestyle and erratic eating habits affect our health in many ways and one of the most common consequences is GUT TROUBLE. The ease with which your stomach gets cleaned depends entirely on what you eat. And with a careful selection of foods and drinks, you can beat those bad-bowel-days.
healthy food for stomach
Wondering what to put on your plate? Let’s start with the

Effects of alcohol on BRAIN

We’ve all seen it! The stumble, the slur, the blackouts. People who have been drinking have trouble in balance, judgment and coordination. They react slowly, but thinkthat they can drive a motor vehicle. All of these physical signs occur because of the way alcohol affects the brain and the central nervous system.
Effect of alcohol on the brain
Alcohol affects brain chemistry by altering neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that transmit signals throughout the body that control thought

How healthy is pomegranates

Centuries back, Pomegranates were considered as exotic and precious fruits, stuffed with legendary powers. It truly is the perfect fruit with such amazing health benefits that it has actually evolved as a SUPERFOOD. Read on to find out more about its healing powers.
Health benefits of Pomegranate
Its heals your heart
Apart from keeping arteries flexible and free of blockage, it also reduces the LDL levels in your blood. Its powerful antioxidants eat up free radicals that cause damage to the inner lining of the blood vessels. Taking pomegranate or its juice thrice a week helps in reducing the blood pressure and it

What to eat to get a Smooth Skin?

Healthy Is The New Beautiful. This phrase is most appropriate when one talks about skin. It is said that one’s skin is an index of what’s going on inside the body. It is then a no-brainer that we need to take care of our natural casing in order to be confident and to let the whole world know that  we are healthy and happy within. And when it comes to an improved-looking skin, lifestyle and nutrition win hands down. Let’s find out how to get a younger-looking skin.
good food for good skin
Drink more water
Water is not typically food,

Drifting a car

Do you want to drift your car to impress your girl friend or other people here is video teaching you to how to drift your car, you will learn different types of drifts, click this photo or HERE to watch HOW TO DRIFT A CAR

did u know

How to use chop sticks

interesting isn't it?

Interesting, isn't it? :)
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share these hot eggs

Arm pillow

LIke this if u like it

LAYS Chocolate covered
 potato chips..
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creative shopping bag

1. Blush Lingerie: X-Ray Bag

Bamboo Path In Kyoto, Japan

Bamboo Path In Kyoto, Japan

Beautiful path

Spring In Woodburn, Oregon, USA

Beautifull Road Path

Jacaranda Tree Alley


Padley Gorge, Peak District, UK

ROaD that gives you relax

Spring In Hallerbos Forest, Belgium

Coca-Cola Invents 16 Bottle Caps To Give Second Lives To Empty Bottles

Coca Cola teamed up with award-winning ad agency Ogilvy & Mather China on a new “2nd Lives” campaign and created 16 red screw-on caps that transform the otherwise-useless left-over plastic bottle into something creative, fun and usable. This environmentally friendly campaign launched in Vietnam, where 40,000 free caps will be given away when purchasing the iconic soda drink.


Man At Work, Bratislava, Slovakia


These Nut-Hugging Bear Cookies Are Almost Too Cute To Eat 



 Mihai Eminescu, Onesti, Romania

Image credits: Dan Dima


 Expansion by Paige Bradley, New York, USA


Creative Sculpture Statue

 Mustangs By Robert Glen, Las Colinas, Texas, USA


15 Awesome Tables You’d Love In Your Own Home

15 Awesome Tables You’d Love In Your Own Home 

If you are reading this, chances are you’re sitting at or near a table. But if you’re like me, there’s also a good chance that your table is plain and boring. These tables, however, are anything but – each is a great example of functional design or even art that puts my poor, boring little desk to shame.

This Interactive Cloud Lamp Will Bring A Thunderstorm Into Your Living Room

This wonderful interactive audiovisual fixture by Richard Clarkson’s inter-disciplinary design studio brings all of the thunder but none of the rain of a summer storm to your home’s interior. The “Cloud” thunder storm lamp and speaker system looks like a rain cloud on a leash that can even interact with people and sounds around it.This smart little creative lamp is replete with lights, motion sensors, microphones, and a
powerful speaker system. A remote control allows user to set it to different modes, getting it to act like a simple thunder cloud, to respond to movements in its surroundings, or to respond to sounds or music that it hears around it. The poofy outer
 layer definitely completes the illusion that we’re looking at a

This Alarm Clock Will Wake You Up With A Fresh Cup Of Coffee

U.K.-based industrial designer Josh Renouf has come up with what just might be the king of alarm clocks. His “Barisieur” alarm clock -turned-coffee-machine will automatically brew a cup of coffee right when you wake up, easing you through your morning with the smell of fresh coffee.
The coffee maker heats the water and brews the coffee all by itself – all you have to do is load it up the night before. Interestingly, Renouf points out that this preparation process may actually help users fall asleep at night; “It encourages a ritual before going to sleep, signalling to the body and mind that it is time to unwind and relax,” he writes on his website

Chinese Peaches Dressed With Lingerie Look Like Sexy Butts

Chinese Peaches Dressed With Lingerie Look Like Sexy Butts


LED Slippers

LED Slippers

Full Body Umbrella

Full Body Umbrella

Piano Doorbell

Piano Doorbell



The Weight Watch Belt

The Weight Watch Belt

Ironius: The Coffee Mug Iron

Ironius: The Coffee Mug Iron


Baby MOP

Google Umbrella

Google Umbrella

Ping Pong Door

Ping Pong Door

Flask Tie

Flask Tie