8 Ways To Get Back Into Your Skinny Jeans

Are you missing your old pair of skinny jeans, the one that is now hanging at the back of your closet? Well. It is time to take them out and enjoy the feel of being into them once again, here’s how:
Eight Ways To Get Back Into Your Skinny Jeans
  1. Eat a clean and unprocessed diet: This would help you getting cleared of the cellulite (fat deposits just under the skin, mostly around abdomen and thighs). Add plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Being alkaline in nature, they cleanse the body too.
  2. Improve your metabolism: Metabolism is the rate at which our body converts food into energy. Improved metabolism is the key to losing the unwanted weight efficiently. Various ways of improving the metabolic rate are exercises, consuming catabolic foods like pepper, tomato, apple, etc., sufficient sleep, better hydration and frequent meals.
  3. Cut down on total calorie intake: Add protein and fiber rich foods in your daily diet, especially for breakfast. Studies suggest that taking protein rich breakfast reduces the appetite for heavy or carbohydrate rich meals in the second half of the day, thus allowing you keep the Low-Carb diet promise.
  4. Make exercises your best  companion: Regular exercises would bring you to a negative calorie balance. Exercises help you burn more calories and once the calorie consumption exceeds the intake (negative calorie balance), your body begins to lose fat mass.  To get the results faster, it is important to maintain an activity index of 45 minutes per day.
  5. Add aerobic exercises to your workouts: Aerobic exercises help in losing more fat than the anaerobic ones. Focus on moves that target the lower part of your body, like cycling, cross-country skiing and swimming. Doing so would not only help you burn more calories but would also toughen and tone up the muscles of your legs and buttocks.
  6. Strength train for 3-4 days in a week: Strength training increases the metabolism and helps you gain muscle mass. With a higher muscle mass you would burn calories even at rest. Strength training makes use of free weights, resistance bands and your own body weight. Work on leg and buttocks specific exercises like Lunges, Jump squats, Bulgarian split squats, dumbbell swings and booty kicks, to tone up the hips and thighs to fit into those old denims of yours.
  7. Stay motivated and focused: Losing weight is not easy. It calls for a high level of commitment. Stay focused and be regular with your exercises and strict with your diet. Sometimes, changes in weight might get delayed, but following the routine with sincerity always pays.
  8. Most importantly,  stay hydrated: A hydrated body allows the liver to perform its primary function of fat metabolism. Make sure that you take 3-4 liters of water every day, to keep your metabolism high and for a balanced distribution of nutrients. Regular water intake also helps the body flush out toxins.
Eight Ways To Get Back Into Your Skinny Jeans
Dividing the meals into 4 -5 smaller portions will help you further in achieving your goal. So now, hang down your favorite old pair of jeans, to stay motivated and active, every time you see it.