What to eat to get a Smooth Skin?

Healthy Is The New Beautiful. This phrase is most appropriate when one talks about skin. It is said that one’s skin is an index of what’s going on inside the body. It is then a no-brainer that we need to take care of our natural casing in order to be confident and to let the whole world know that  we are healthy and happy within. And when it comes to an improved-looking skin, lifestyle and nutrition win hands down. Let’s find out how to get a younger-looking skin.
good food for good skin
Drink more water
Water is not typically food,
but we all know that without it no food is complete. Water keeps the cells hydrated and thus aids in improved nutrient transport. It maintains the cell integrity and saves them from premature death. Besides, it aids in the production of new cells and cleanses the toxins. Wondering how much water to take? It’s simple; take an extra glass of water after satiating your thirst, every time. Also consider drinks like fresh lemonade, soup, fruit & vegetable juice and buttermilk.
Add good quality fat to diet
A low fat diet may be wonderful for reducing the waistline, but it surely does not help your skin much. Skin needs some fat, especially the good kind that you get from nuts and fruits like avocado. Taking mixed nuts like Brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts etc. support skin rejuvenation. These are full of good quality oils and fatty acids that are essential to maintain the integrity and elasticity of your skin. Replace the regular cooking oil with healthier ones like canola, peanut or olive oil. Avoid saturated fats.
Put raw fruits and vegetables on the must-buy list
Live enzymes and nutrients from fresh fruits keep your skin alive. Make sure that you maintain variety in intake, so that the wholesome benefit is achieved, as different foods have varied effects on your skin. Tomatoes, for example, provide excellent protection against sun burn, strawberries boost the protection of collagen that keeps your skin firm, smooth & wrinkle free and apples improve your skin’s resistance to harmful UV rays.
Eat more lean protein
Almost every part of our body is made up of protein. From skin to hair and from brain to liver, everything is protein. However, most active users of protein are hormones and enzymes. These hormones and enzymes are important for maintaining the balance and optimal functioning of our organs, including skin. Include plant and lean non-vegetarian protein in your diet.
good food for good skin
Here are a list of foods for a healthy and glowing skin
  • Broccoli - Improves collagen formation
  • Carrots - Repairs skin tissues and protects against sun burn
  • Pumpkin Seeds -  Rich in zinc that promotes skin renewal and collagen formation
  • Fish - These are rich in Omega 3 fats and also reduce risk of skin cancer and sun damage.
  • Berries - A combination of Blueberries, strawberries and plums is believed to rejuvenate the skin as it is a powerhouse of antioxidants that fight free radicals.
  • Kale - Promotes new cell growth, and is packed with beauty vitamins like A, C and  E.
  • Chia seeds - Rich in essential fatty acids and skin-saving antioxidants.
  • Cabbage - Promotes anti-ageing antioxidant activity in the body.
  • Pomegranate - Packed with polyphenol antioxidants, it improves blood flow to the skin.
  • Green Tea - Reduces skin redness and fights inflammation.
It is important to get active to help these foods perform better. It can even reverse the process of ageing. Want even better results? Stay away from smoke, sun, alcohol, refined food and choose your skin care products with great care.