9 Weight Loss Myths You Should Stay Away From

With so much on your mind about weight loss, it really is difficult for one to tell facts from fiction. Myths have this exceptional quality, the longer they stay, the closer they drift towards becoming facts. But the fact is that Myths are myths, no matter how promising or popular they are.  Here are some common myths about weight loss.
Weight Loss Myths

1. Weighing Scale tells the truth about weight loss
Actually no.  The weighing scale readings may be deceptive as they are influenced by a number of factors like loss of water, fat or even muscles.  Weight loss as a result of water or muscle loss causes further harm, as it slows the metabolism and hampers the actual weight loss. And the most complicated part of it is that it gives you a real sense of weight loss which might not have happened at all.
2. Low calorie diet is the ultimate rule
If it is so, then why is it so difficult to lose those extra pounds?  Actually, to get the benefits of a low calorie diet, it is important to do the calculations carefully.  Just reducing the calorie intake is not sufficient. One is required to work hard and make sure that the total calorie output is continually higher than the calorie intake. The simplest way to burn more calories is to increase physical activities.
3. All carbs, especially potato, rice and bread should be completely avoided
The method of processing and cooking is more important than the food itself.  A highly processed food, polished rice or fried foods adds to the total calorie intake. But if you  choose from healthier cooking methods, consume unpolished rice and whole wheat  products, then these foods are as good as any other food item on your weight loss food list.
4. Eat less to Lose More
9 Myths about weight lossThis is a classic myth, and perhaps the most popular one. In reality, when you eat less the brain sends out signals that you are starving, and as a reaction the body slows down its metabolism. Lower metabolic rate is associated with reduced fat burning process and one does not lose weight.  The best way out is to divide the meals into smaller parts and increase frequency. Again, don’t overlook the importance of exercises.
5. Nuts and dry fruits cause weight gain
Nuts are good sources of healthy fats and are rich in protein and vitamins. Consuming a calculated portion of nuts provides satiety and you tend to eat less thereafter. Include them as snacks in your daily routine.

6. Certain foods help you burn fat
It is common believe that certain foods help you burn fat. But as a matter of fact, there is no such food. The only and the most efficient way of burning fat is to exercise. Diet management helps you to eat less calories to help the physical activities target the fat that is already present.
7. Dairy makes you gain weight
Not really. Low fat dairy products are as good as whole milk. They provide fewer calories and fat but other nutrients are intact and in good quality. So never shy away from the goodness of milk and remember that you get your protein and calcium from it.
8. Being a vegetarian helps in weight loss
May be, but what if a vegetarian cannot resist oily, fatty and spicy or junk food, or does not eat on time?  Vegetarian or non-vegetarian, the important thing is to choose your food wisely and avoid calorie-dense foods or foods that are high in fat. The method of food preparation is also important. Roasting, grilling and steaming are the healthiest cooking methods
9. Weight loss is impossible if one travels frequently
Weight loss is all about the management of calorie intake and output. If you eat out frequently, there is a need to understand the ingredients and also the cooking method that is used in the preparation of a dish. This would enable you to make a superior judgment and hence manage calories. Also, if you are aware that your calorie intake is increasing, you can increase the duration or intensity of your exercise routine to balance the calorie intake with output.