Stay In Perfect Shape With These 7 Exercises

Stay In Perfect Shape With These 7 Exercises 

Have you finally decided to change the way your body looks? Then you are probably in search of the best workout routine that will help you transform your body.
Fortunately, we know some certain things that can be performed while reshaping your curves. Besides smart food choices, healthy diet and enough of night sleep you should stay active throughout the day. Here are 7 exercises that have proved to be the quickest way to burn calories and excessive fat. You do not need a gym to practice them, which will save a lot of time and money.

1. Squats

The simplicity of the exercise might make you think it is not effective enough. You are mistaken! This is one of the best exercises to burn extra fat. It raises your heart rate, improves health, and boosts metabolism. Your body starts intensively consume oxygen and, as we all know, oxygen is the best fat burner. This powerful exercise will tone you glutes. Modify the exercise by jumping up after each squat. Make it more difficult by holding dumbbells. The more resistance the more burnt calories! If your work is mostly sedentary, then this exercise is for you!

2. Jumping rope

When did you last do this sport? That was probably many years ago, when you were still a child. This equipment is one of the cheapest yet not less effective than all those professional machines that you usually find in a gym. Buy a skipping rope and enjoy it anywhere and any time. This activity does not require extra space or special time. You can practice jumping with your kids – lots of fun!

3. Pushups

This exercise is not an easy one to perform. That’s the reason why most people avoid doing it. But, as they say, no pain no gain! Do this routine regularly and you will see what wonders it can do to your body. There are numerous kinds of pushups that are intended to work different muscles. Pushups make your shoulders and arms stronger and sculpt them. Besides the upper part of the body pushups work the core. They also strengthen your cardiovascular system plus they positively influence your posture. In order not to become fed up with pushups learn a few different styles and practice them 3-4 times a week.

4. Lunges

Do you want to have attractive legs? Then do lunges! It takes only a few minutes to accomplish the exercise each day yet the result is incredible. Three sets of ten lunges is all you need to see transformation in the nearest future. If you want to make your heart work more actively, then we recommend you should try jump lunges. Building a few muscle groups, sculpting and strengthening them while doing only one exercise is possible if we are talking about lunges.

5. Swimming

Look at how amazing swimmers’ bodies are. This is what swimming does to them after many years of practicing this kind of sport. There is hardly anything else as effective as swimming. The benefits are endless. Swimming works your whole body from head to toes. Not only is it super effective it is also pleasant. Spend some time in water swimming to improve your heart rate and aerobic capacity. Whether it is done in a sea or a pool, swimming can be done every day. Do it with your entire family. 

6. Running

Another effective thing to do is to jog. Practice jogging and running in the morning before breakfast. You can go jogging in the afternoon or evening as well. Just make sure you do not do it on a full stomach. Running is capable of changing the way you look and feel. It will make your legs stronger and, at the same time, slimmer. No equipment is required. Besides, it can be done every day to burn huge amounts of calories. Jogging will also help those who suffer from depression, stress, and tension.

7. Cycling

Cycling will make you sweat a lot which means that while riding your bike you burn mega calories. This workout routine increases your heart rate, works your glutes, calves, and back. Leave your car and go to work by bike. Bikes are healthy for your body and less harmful to the environment. You will also save lots of money since bikes do not need gas. If you are work from home, stay-at-home mom, or simply do not like the weather outside, then the solution is to do cycling on a stationary bike at home.