How often should I change my Toothbrush?

It's time to change your tooth brush, find out why...
Most dentists agree you should change your toothbrush every 3 months. Studies show that after three months of normal wear and tear, the brush becomes less and less effective at removing plaque from t

Why You Should Never Drink Bottled Water

Why You Should Never Drink Bottled Water 

What's behind bottle water, and how Nestle is trying to privatize all the world's drinking water. 

#1 The Beginning of the Insanity

Imagine there was a time when bottled water didn't exist in our catalog of popular commodities. Perhaps the trend started in 1976 when the chic French sparkling water, Perrier made its introduction. There it was seductively bottled in its emerald green glass amongst the era of disco and the spectacle of excesses . . . who could resist right?!

What could be more decadent than to package, sell and consume what most consider (in the western world) a

5 Ways to Spice-up Your Sex Life after having a Baby

Having a baby is a joyous and much anticipated milestone in any Man or Womans life. But not too many tend to think about what life is like AFTER the screaming 3.5kilo, eating and pooping machine is brought home.
A mothers healing has just begin after delivery and it can take up to 8 weeks before she is able to resume normal sexual activity whether she’s in the mood or not. Allowing the lochia to pass and allowing herself to return to normal hormonally are important for a new mother. It’s always a good idea to check in with your gynaecologist to make sure its safe to have sex shortly after delivery. One of the most important gigs to remember is that while a mother is breastfeeding,  her chances of getting pregnant are very very low. Th
1. Oral Hygiene
Brush your teeth and floss twice a day, once in the morning and once before you go to bed. Try an electric toothbrush that has a rotating and oscillating (back-and-forth) action. This action is better at removing plaque than a regular toothbrush. If you already suffer from gingivitis, the bristles should be as smooth as the pulp of your finger to avoid bleeding. Always brush on both sides of the tooth, up and down than side by side. Afterbrushing, try using a tongue scraper, to remove any trapped food and plaque caught in the tiny hair-like fibers on the tongue

Good Methods of Body Hair Removal

Unwanted body hair is always a trouble for both men and women. There are both temporary and permanent methods of body hair removal.
Here are 6 good methods to get rid of unwanted hair:
6 body hair removal methods
1.  Laser Hair Removal Treatments

Mind-Blowing Facts

Mind-Blowing Facts About Boobs

1 . Did you know that nipple stimulation promotes bonding between sexual partners? A study found through evolution, men are attracted to women's breasts and fondling them because woman are then inclined to feel attracted and more connected to them!


Nutrients Important For Healthy Nails

Fresh fruits and vegetables are great for nail health. Include seasonal products as these are easily available and are cheaper too.
Our nails are made of layered protein. Thus including quality protein sources would have a positive impact on nail health. Include fish, skinless chicken, turkey, beans, pulses, sprouts, egg whites, skimmed milk and its products for shiny and firm nails.
Nutrition important for healthy nails
If you have brittle nails that break easily, try taking more Iron. Iron deficiency may also result in reduced oxygen supply to the blood vessels, causing further damage to the nails.  Iron rich foods are meats, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, whole grains and enriched food products.

Include Vitamin C rich foods for improved iron absorption. Vitamin C is found in broccoli, green and red

Benefits of boroccoli

Should Men Wax Their Chest Hair?

Plenty of women like to see some hair on a man’s chest, but most prefer to avoid a situation where you need a Map, Compass and emergency rations to make your way across the undergrowth. Thinning out your chest hair is a good idea, but leave some hair for her to run her fingers through. On the other hand, there are some women who like a perfectly hairless chest (on men, that is). If you’re going to go with this option, be sure to shave regularly as the bristly stubble length will be uncomfortable for you and unappealing for her.
should you remove your chest hair?
Waxing your chest is relatively harmless and won't cause any permanent damage if it's done correctly . IT WILL HURT and the treated area will be raw and sensitive immediately after waxing. After all, the process rips a large quantity of hair out from the root in one motion. Keep in mind that waxing can cause a skin infection, so apply an antibacterial cream or lotion to the treated area after waxing. Also, you shouldn't use wax on moles, warts or broken skin, and don't wax your chest if you have irritated, sunburned or sensitive skin.
To avoid problems. Get your first wax done professionally at a salon, and call ahead. If you decide to use a do-it-yourself kit, read the directions carefully and don't overheat the wax. If you do, you could burn your chest and cause permanent scarrin

Top 10 Exercises to Shape-up your Hips

Many women criticize their looks saying that they are wider at the bottom and that their hips are larger in comparison to their waist. But what they fail to realize is that a little effort and right type of exercise can do wonders in toning their backs. Look no further. Here are the most effective exercises to help you get those perfect rumps.
top 10 butt exercise
1. Jump Squats
We are familiar with the usual squats for the toned derriere, but many are not aware that adding jumps to the classic squats makes this move more effective. And here is how to do it:
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend the arms at chest level, then take a regular squat position
  • Jump with full force and try reaching the ceiling.
  • As you land, resume the original squat position, to complete one circle.
  • Repeat 4-5 times and increase the counts every day

How harmful Cell Phone Radiations are?

Cellphones have become common all over the world. Globally, the number of cell phone subscriptions is estimated by the International Telecommunications Union to be 5 billion. From the slums of Dharavi to the back alleys of Silicon Valley, you will find multitudes of people with a cellphone growing out of their ear (at least it looks like that to me).
Over the years as they have gotten more and more common, people have developed fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) over wether the basic technology behind cellphones is safe. So lets get into it and see what the facts are.
call phone radiation facts
The Fear
Cell phones put out radio waves, specifically, non-ionizing radiation (the OK kind of radiation). This radiation can get absorbed by the parts of the body closest to the phone (Your head!). Over time, the number of cell phone calls per day, the length of each call, and the amount of time people use cell phones have increased. Cell phone technology

Does an Apple a Day Really Keeps the Doctor away?

very time I pass by the fruit shop, my brain involuntary remembers my mother telling me “An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away”. Almost each one of us have grown up with this proverb which  was coined more than a century back. But does an Apple really keep the doctor away? I would say, YES. This delicious little red fruit has properties that are unmatched and has proved its worth over time.
Apple is the powerhouse of the Phytonutrients, the substance that suppresses the activity of free radicals in the body, thus promoting the prevention of ailments like Diabetes, asthma and cardiovascular diseases. Phytonutrients are also known to prevent the neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
Vitamin C from apples provides numerous benefits, the best being its ability to boost immunity. Regular consumption of apple makes one resistant to a variety of ailments. As an antioxidant, it also helps to prevent cataract and certain cancers.
An Apple a Day Really Keeps the Doctor away
Apples are great to maintain the health of our digestive system. It contains a soluble fiber called

10 Things Men Shouldn't Do on a Date

Everyone's different. There's no real right or wrong when it comes to the game of love and dating. But still there are some guidelines that increase your chances of impressing the pretty lady you hope to have relationship with.
10 things men should avoid during a date
Don’t direct your attention onto the phone (and away from her). It is rude and tells your date that she is not interesting enough to keep your attention. Keep your cell phone face down. If you have to take a call (or


22 Beautiful Stairs That Will Make Climbing To The Second Floor Less Annoying

our spiral staircase photography post already proved that even something as mundane as stairs can be absolutely beautiful. We decided to expand on that theme and show you the 22 coolest examples of staircases and step design that we could find.
creative-stair-design-3Perhaps one of the most important non-aesthetic design elements of a staircase is space. If the designer can’t figure out a good way to use the space under the stairs, they will take up a lot of space for no good reason at all.
If you’ve seen an awesome staircase that’s worth sharing with our readers, you can share it with us at the bottom of this post!

Hanging Stairs

Understairs Space

Designed by: Deriba Furniture

Amazing House

There’s An Amazing House In Tehran Whose Rooms Rotate 90° To Adapt To The Weather

Tehran-based architectural studio Next Office are the brains behind the Sharifi-ha House, which features motorized rooms that pivot up to 90 degrees to face entirely in or out at the push of a button, depending on the occupants’ mood or the weather.
The building was completed last

17 Of The Most Unusual Beaches Around The World

When someone says “beach” you probably think of yellow or white sand, rolling waves, bright sunlight and a beer or fruity cocktail. But beaches come in far more different shapes and colors than some of us might have expected. Here are 17 beaches that, in one way or another, might not be anything like the beaches you’re used to.
One of the most striking differences in many of these beaches are the different sand colors. Sand is generally formed out of whatever the waves happen to be banging against the shore, be they rocks, shells, corals, or glass. Rare green beaches can contain olivine, which is a remnant of volcanic eruptions, and black beaches are also generally formed by volcanic remnants. The pink beaches of Bermuda are colored by coral remnants.
If you have a photo of a unique beach out there that should be on this list, share it with us below this post!

Unique Glass Beach in California

Image credits: unknown
Image credits: digggs
The glass beach near Fort B

15 Socks And Tights That Will Make Your Legs Awesome

“Climbing Up” Tights

Image credits:
Now that fall is here, it’s finally time to whip out the long socks and stockings. These 15 examples of awesome sock and stocking designs are some of the most creative and stylish designs we’ve ever seen.
There’s something here for everyone, as these socks and stockings run from sexy and stylish to cute and funny. Sock and stocking style doesn’t get the attention it deserves – after all, your legs are about 50% of your body

THE Himalayas

The lure of the Himalayas attracts more than 100,000 trekkers, including 40,000 Brits, each year to Nepal. Visitor numbers to Everest have doubled since the end of the civil war there in 2006