Does an Apple a Day Really Keeps the Doctor away?

very time I pass by the fruit shop, my brain involuntary remembers my mother telling me “An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away”. Almost each one of us have grown up with this proverb which  was coined more than a century back. But does an Apple really keep the doctor away? I would say, YES. This delicious little red fruit has properties that are unmatched and has proved its worth over time.
Apple is the powerhouse of the Phytonutrients, the substance that suppresses the activity of free radicals in the body, thus promoting the prevention of ailments like Diabetes, asthma and cardiovascular diseases. Phytonutrients are also known to prevent the neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
Vitamin C from apples provides numerous benefits, the best being its ability to boost immunity. Regular consumption of apple makes one resistant to a variety of ailments. As an antioxidant, it also helps to prevent cataract and certain cancers.
An Apple a Day Really Keeps the Doctor away
Apples are great to maintain the health of our digestive system. It contains a soluble fiber called
 Pectin,which combines with water in the digestive tract and forms a gel. Pectin also combines with the cholesterol containing bile in the intestine and thus helps in lowering cholesterol levels.  

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The Phenols present in apples have a duel effect on the cholesterol. It reduces the bad cholesterol and increases the good cholesterol, thus improving the lipid profile of blood.
Apple juice can kill more than 70 percent of the oral bacteria. Eating apple during the second half of the day can help you get a cleaner mouth and prevents Tooth Decay. It’s fiber also cleans the gums and teeth.
The flavonoids present in apples have a positive effect on the people with Asthma. Khellin, a flavonoid is shown to open up the airways and ease breathing.
The mineral Borone is found in abundance in apples. It influences the metabolism of Magnesium and thus plays a vital role in improving the mineral density of the bones, making them strong and safe from fractures.
Eating an apple everyday does not really mean that you will never get sick but including apples as a part of regular diet would definitely increase your life-span. In a healthy diet with a lot of fresh fruits on your plate, Apple definitely occupies its own space.