Nutrients Important For Healthy Nails

Fresh fruits and vegetables are great for nail health. Include seasonal products as these are easily available and are cheaper too.
Our nails are made of layered protein. Thus including quality protein sources would have a positive impact on nail health. Include fish, skinless chicken, turkey, beans, pulses, sprouts, egg whites, skimmed milk and its products for shiny and firm nails.
Nutrition important for healthy nails
If you have brittle nails that break easily, try taking more Iron. Iron deficiency may also result in reduced oxygen supply to the blood vessels, causing further damage to the nails.  Iron rich foods are meats, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, whole grains and enriched food products.

Include Vitamin C rich foods for improved iron absorption. Vitamin C is found in broccoli, green and red
peppers, collard greens, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, pineapples, Guava, strawberries, lemon and other citrus fruits.                                                                                        
White spots on the nails are generally considered to indicate Calcium deficiency. However, in reality the main culprit behind these spots is Zinc deficiency. Take meat, seafood, and liver, eggs, milk, whole-grain products and nuts and dry fruits to ensure sufficient Zinc supply.
Omega–3–fats are found to bring shine and strength to the nails. It also helps in improved oxygen supply and blood flow to the nails. These healthy fats are found in flax seeds, walnuts, soya beans, kidney beans, tofu and fish
To keep the nails soft and moistured, drink sufficient water and other non sugary beverages. Green Tea and tender coconut water are good examples.