10 Things Men Shouldn't Do on a Date

Everyone's different. There's no real right or wrong when it comes to the game of love and dating. But still there are some guidelines that increase your chances of impressing the pretty lady you hope to have relationship with.
10 things men should avoid during a date
Don’t direct your attention onto the phone (and away from her). It is rude and tells your date that she is not interesting enough to keep your attention. Keep your cell phone face down. If you have to take a call (or
God forbid a text) then excuse yourself.
  1. Don’t ever forget to bring your wallet to the date. Don't talk about money; yes she wants to know you have a job but leave the money (and your debts) out of it.
  2. Don't shower yourself in your cologne 10 minutes before the date!  Remember, a little goes a long way but she doesn't need to smell your cologne.
  3. Don’t wear your three-piece office suit unless it is your first date and you are taking her to the opera and then a multi-starred restaurant. Show her that you made some effort to dress up for her.
  4. Don’t drink too much on your date and don't talk about the things you do while you are drunk. She is going to find out soon enough but do not scare her too early on.
  5. Don’t be rude to the waiters. How you treat others is a great indication as to how you will treat her in future.
  6. Don’t stare at other women. Rather stare at your date often and compliment her.
  7. Don’t just play out rehearsed compliments but be sincere.
  8. Don't blow your nose at the table. I can't tell you the importance of manners on a date.  Open the door, pull out her chair, hold the spoons correctly, don’t put your mouth too close to the bowl while eating your soup, chew with your mouth shut, don’t talk with your mouth full, don’t go on long washroom visits...I could go on but I am hoping you are getting the point.
  9. Don't let the conversation become one sided. Pay attention and if she starts to go on and on about nothing, ask questions to re-focus the dialogue. Ideally the question to question ratio should be 1:1.
  10. Don’t be late for the date. Show up five minutes early. If you want to impress her don’t make her wait at the bar for you. Showing up early and greeting her as soon as she arrives will ease her nerves and will alleviate your anxiety.
10 things men should avoid during a date
Be yourself, be polite and have fun; do not disappoint your lady!